The work for racial and economic justice benefits all of us, including White men. 

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We are needed in this work.

Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color often say they are tired of explaining to White people how race shows up in our everyday lives. Some describe it as painful to listen to White people suddenly 'discover' truths hidden in plain sight. This is especially true in their experience with White men, who hold disproportionate power, and are least present and skillful in 'the work.'

WMRJ is a response to explicit requests to 'go get our people.'

What People Say About WMRJ

“You have to do this work in community;
it’s really hard to do this by yourself.”

– John –
“WMRJ has had a huge impact upon me and quite frankly in my role as board chair."

– Jeff –
"WMRJ is positively influencing the raising of my son."

– Scott –
"WMRJ cleared away some of the fog that has stood between me and taking action."

– Seth –

Our Values

We all have something to contribute. We all have something to learn.

We recognize we all come from varied backgrounds – faith, political, economic, ethnic, education, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.

We are all at different places on our journeys, and we approach ourselves and each other with grace and accountability as we learn, grow, and take action.

Our Opportunity

White men hold disproportionate power, therefore have a unique duty and opportunity to act. 

Our Approach

Often white men ask:

What is WMRJ doing?

Instead, WMRJ asks:

What are you doing?
And how can WMRJ support you?

Our Vision

Our shared vision is an America in which everyone feels valued, has access to equitable resources to reach their full potential, and is part of joyful communities of belonging.

Our Accountability

By being accountable to Black equity advisors, our community is more credible and our learning and action more thoughtful.

This is because we don’t know what we don’t know. As White men, we benefit from creating a brave space to check our assumptions and instincts with those most impacted by the culture and systems that shape our lives, helping us to minimize any unintentional harm and maximize any positive impact of our work.

In addition, we remain accountable to ourselves, to each other, and to our children for our actions and inactions.

Dr. Zoe Spencer

Dr. Zoe Spencer says “I am wise enough to know that I know nothing at all.” She is a scholar/strategist/activist from Barry Farms projects in DC. She currently teaches sociology at Virginia State University. She is a published author and a highly sought after speaker and presenter. Most importantly she is a freedom fighter, a seeker of truth, and unapologetic in her purpose of making a better world for humanity, no matter how small the mark. She says: I am a microcosm of the Universe, in real life. I was put here to perform a task, maybe even to take this test…test my faith, test my humility, test my obedience, test my resilience, test my focus…test my willingness to simply admit that every blessing is given to carry out a divine purpose…And the closer I get to actualization, the more I realize that I am just a vessel, on loan to this Earth to see what I will do here, to tell stories, fight, love, and then leave…hopefully a legacy-a lingering spirit- that will live on-long after my body is no more.

Taylor Paul

Taylor Paul was appointed by the governor to his juvenile justice and prevention board and just recently the governor’s department of criminal justice service board as well. Taylor Paul is cofounder of RVA League for Safer Streets, an unorthodox basketball program that focuses on problem solving, critical thinking and conflict resolution for high risk youth in the city of Richmond, VA. He’s also the founder of THE  S.A.N.I.T.Y.  Project (Standing Against Negative Influences Toward Youth), a program that takes aim at incarcerated fathers and their children. Paul Taylor served 23 years of a life plus 26 year sentence, and was paroled on his 11th try in 2017, returning to his community as Taylor Paul, the opposite of the man who went in. He’s passionate about restoring humanity back inside of people challenging all racial biases and social injustices. Taylor Paul shared his story in the Richmond Post-Dispatch and more recently at Philadelphia Citizen’s Ideas We Should Steal Festival.

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